The WaterNet like all water systems has an Energy Water Nexus. Most of the modern water management requires energy. Energy is needed for cooling water, to transport water, to purify water, to treat water, and to desalinate water.
The cost of energy is responsible for 35% to 65% of the cost of water in different areas.
It is estimated that 40% of the cost of water is to transport the water.
Getting water from one place where water is abundant to another place where it is scarce requires energy. Changing dirty water into clean water involves pumps, generators, heaters, filters, and depends on power. Moving the water from the water facilities to the taps and hoses of businesses and homes is power intensive.
God’s Energy Technology moves water in a way that produces net positive energy instead of taking energy from an external source. The WaterNet GENERATES ELECTRICITY while delivering water thousands of miles in our system design.
The WaterNet is a revolutionary “Modern Day Miracle of Good Engineering” based on God’s Hidden Secret displayed in HIS creation.